Morning Pages: Embodied Writing
Tue 10 Sep 8:30 AM
Sold Out
The Wheeler Centre (Meeting Point)
Auslan Interpreted, On Request
Wheelchair Accessible
General Admission
90 Mins | Free | Morning Pages
Start the morning with an intuitive walk around Melbourne followed by a writing session. Walking can allow the mind to process information and shake new ideas loose. Likewise, exploration and observation of built and natural environments can inspire thought and help us create new connections for our writing. Be led through a grounding breathing exercise, followed by a meandering, silent walk around the CBD. Memories, stories, and ideas evoked by our walk will be used to inform a short piece of writing to be written during the workshop. We’ll allow a few minutes at the end for anyone who would like to share what they wrote.
This is a session for anyone who wants to invite in breath, movement, and bodily awareness into their creative practice regardless of mobility.
Find the guide to the walking route here.
If you have any concerns about the accessibility of this event, please get in touch with us, here. This includes if you need sensory adjustments, and would like the walk to focus on quieter areas of the city.